FU Liyun

By  Kaifei He    2018-04-25    Visited 369 times

Personal Information

Prof. Dr. FU Liyun

Professor in Geophysics

Schoolof Geosciences

China University of Petroleum, East China

Address: 66#, Changjiang West Road, Huandao, Qingdao, 266580, China.


Email: lfu@upc.edu.cn

Education and Appointments

Li-YunFu, Professor in Geophysics, School of Geosciences, China Universityof Petroleum. After receiving the BS (1985) in geophysics from Chengdu College of Geology, Li-Yun Fu commenced his research careerwith China Offshore Oil Exploration & Development Research Center, CNOOC. He obtained his MS (1992) and PhD (1995) ingeophysics at China University of Petroleum, Beijing. From 1995 to1997, he was a postdoctoral fellow in engineering mechanics,Tsinghua University, Beijing. In 1997, Li-Yun Fu moved to Institute of Tectonics, University of California, Santa Cruz as a researcher,investigating Lgphases in the crust and simulating crustal wave propagation. Li-YunFu joined Australia CSIRO in August 1999 as a scientist staff andworked on geopressure based on acoustics. In 2004, Li-Yun Fu joined Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciencesthrough the Hundred Talents Program and head the seismology group.He is a member of SEG, EAGE, AGU, and SSA. He has authored andco-authored a number of journal papers and book chapters. Heobtained the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Hundred Talents"Excellent title in 2008 and the 2009 National Science Foundation Outstanding Youth Fund in 2009. In 2017, he joined School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China), meanwhileas a guest professor at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 120 papers inacademic journals, and obtained more than 20 national inventionpatents.

Research Interests

Theoretical seismology and exploration seismology

  • Research interests include regional seismic facies and wave propagation,rugged surface statistics and response characteristics, strong ground motions, 3D seismic observation, seismic modeling and complex structure imaging, generalized nonlinear seismic inversion,risk assessment of reservoir prediction, and high-PT rock physics.

  • Particular attention is paid to computational seismology, including boundary element method, generalized Lipmann-Schwinger integral equation method, seismogram synthesis for piecewise heterogeneous media,rough surface scattering, Born series approximation to  integralwave equations, and scaling interaction of waves and media.

Supported Projects

1.Project(40674030)of NSFC: Seismic response to variations in static stress, 2007-2009.

2.KeyProject (40830423)of NSFC: Study on the mechanism of geophysical responses to complex lithological reservoirs in developed continental deposition basins,2008-2011.

3.KeyProject (41130418)of NSFC: Key scientific problems for seismic imaging of complex structures, 2012-2016.

4.InternationalCooperation Key Project (41720104006) ofNSFC:The interior structural interactions of the South China Block under ongoing compression from its bounding plates: a comparison withCentral Australia, 2018-2022.

5.National High Technology Research and Development Program (863Program)-Project (2013AA064202): Advanced design technology and software system development for 3D seismic acquisition geometries 2013-2016.

6.CAS Strategic Leading Science and Technology Programme (ClassB)-Project (XDB10010400): Key technologies for geophysical prediction of shale-gas sweet zones, 2014-2018.

7.CAS Strategic Leading Science and Technology Programme (Class A)-Project(XDA14010303): Key technologies for geophysical prediction of deeppetroleum pathway systems, 2017-2021.

Representative Publications

1.FuB.Y., Li-YunFu.Poro-acoustoelasticity with compliant pores for fluid-saturated rocks. Geophysics,2018,DOI:10.1190/geo2017-0423.1.

2.MengW.J.,Li-Yun Fu.Dispersion analysis of discontinuous Galerkin method with different basis functions for acoustic and elastic wave equations. Geophysics,2018, DOI: 10.1190/geo2017-0485.1.

3.SuJ.,Li-YunFu,WeiW.,SunW.J. Focal beam analysis for 3D acquisition geometries in complex media with GPU implementation. Computers & Geosciences,2018, accepted.

4.CaoC.H., Ba J., Li-YunFu.Poroelasticanalysis of mesoscopic flow interactions in layered porous media.Journal of Applied Geophysics,2018, accepted.

5.BoatengC., Li-YunFu.Analysisof reservoir heterogeneities and depositional environments: a new method.Exploration Geophysics,2018, DOI: 10.1071/EG17072.

6.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,Saygin E.,Zhao L. Insights into layering in the cratonic lithosphere beneath Western Australia. Journalof Geophysical Research - Solid Earth,2018, DOI: 10.1002/2017JB014904.

7.ChenG.X.,Li-YunFu,Wei W.,Sun W.J. Wavefield interpolation in 3D large-step Fourier wavefield extrapolation. Geophysical Prospecting,2018, 66: 311-326.

8.HuJ.H.,Li-YunFu,Wei W.,Zhang Y. Stress-associated intrinsicand scatter ingattenuation from laboratory ultrasonic measurement son Shales. Pureand Applied Geophysics,2018, 175:929-962.

9.LiuB.,Li-YunFu,Yu G.X.,Chen G.X. Quantitative analysis of near-surface seismologic complexity based on the generalized Lipmann-Schwinger matrixequation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2018, 108: 278-290.

10.RongM.S.,Li-YunFu,Wang Z.M., Li X.J. Erratum to on the amplitude discrepancy of HVSR and site amplification from strong motion observations. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2018,108: 552-552.

11.XiaoT.J., Liu Y., Wang Y., Li-YunFu.Three-dimension almagnetotelluric modeling in anisotropic media using edge-basedfinite element method. Journal of Applied Geophysics,2018, 149:1-9.

12.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Chen X.Z.,Cao C.H.,Zhao L.F.,Ma Y.C.Study on different hydraulic response models of adjacent wells tolarge earthquakes-Shale impact analysis. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2018, accepted.

13.WangZ.W.,Li-YunFu,ZhangY.,Wei W. The ultrasonic response of numerical simulation and analysisof scattering characteristics in digital core for shale reservoir.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2018, 61: 1069-1082.

14.ZhouH., Li-YunFu.Scatteringand intrinsic components of attenuation through the spectral ratiomethod in ultrasonic laboratory experiment. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2018, 61: 1083-1094.

15.RongM. S.,Li-YunFu,LiX. J.Inversion of site velocity structure using a hybrid global optimizational gorithm based on HVSRs of accelerograms recorded by a singlestation. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2018, 61: 938-947.

16.SunW. J.,Li-YunFu,WeiW.Thecrust-mantle transition structures beneath eastern China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2018, 61: 845-855.

17.FuB.Y., Li-YunFu.Poro-acoustoelastic constants based on padeapproximation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2017, 142: 2890-2904.

18.SuJ.,Li-YunFu,Wei W.,Sun W.J.,Hu J.H. On vertical resolution of seismic acquisition geometries incomplex 3D media. Geophysics,2017, 82: P75-P87.

19.RongM.S.,Li-YunFu,Wang Z.M.,Li X.J. On the amplitude discrepancy of HVSR and site amplification from strong motion observations. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.2017, 107: 2873-2884.

20.MengW.J.,  Li-YunFu.The seismic wavefield simulation by a modified finite element methodwith the PML absorbing boundary.J. Geophys. Eng,2017, 14: 852-864.

21.BaJ.,Xu W.H.,Li-YunFu,Carcione J.M.,Zhang L. Rock anelasticity due to patchy-saturation and fabric heterogeneity: A double double-porosity model of wave propagation.Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth,2017, 122: 1949–1976.

22.BoatengC.,Li-YunFu,Wu Y.,Guan X.Z. Porosity inversion by Caianiello neural networks with Levenberg-Marquardt optimization .Interpretation,2017, 5: SL33-SL42.

23.GuanX.Z.,Li-YunFu,Sun W.J. Acoustic viscoelastic modeling by frequency-domainboundary element method. Earthquake Science,2017, 30: 97-105.

24.HuJ.H.,Li-YunFu,Sun W.J.,Zhang Y. A study of the Coulomb stress and seismicity rate changes induced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2017, 135: 303-319.

25.ChenG.X.,Li-YunFu,Chen K.F.,Sun W.J, Wei W.,Guan X.Z. Calculation of the seismic imaging complexity of complex geological structures. Journal of Seismic Exploration,2017, 26: 81-104.

26.ZhangY.,Wang C.Y.,Li-YunFu,Yan R.,Chen X. Mechanism of  the Coseismic Change of  Volumetric Strain inthe Far Field of  Earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2017, 107: 475-481.

17.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Zhao L.F.,Chen X.Z. Coupling mechanism of volume strain and water level inthe Fuxin well located in a geothermal area before and after the2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake. Acta Geodyn.Geomater,2017, 14: 61-71.

28.WuY.,Li-YunFu,ChenG. X.Forward modeling and reverse time migration of viscoacoustic media using decoupled fractional Laplacians. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2017, 60: 1527-1537.

29.ChenG.X., Li-YunFu,YuG.X. A quantitative analysis method for the seismic geological complexity of near surface. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2017, 60: 1062-1072.

30.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Ma Y.C.,Hu J.H. Different hydraulic responsesto the 2008 Wenchuan and 2011 Tohoku earthquakes in two adjacent far-field wells:The effect of shales on aquifer lithology .Earth, Planets and Space,2016, 68,DOI: 10.1186/s40623-016-0555-5.

31.FuB.Y.,Li-YunFu,Wei W.,Zhang Y. Boundary-reflected waves and ultrasonic coda waves in rockphysics experiments. Applied Geophysics,2016, 13: 667-682.                         

32.ZhangW.H.,Li-YunFu,Zhang Y.,Jin W.J. Computation of elastic properties of 3D digital cores fromthe Longmaxi shale. Applied Geophysics,2016, 13: 364-374.

33.DongF.S., Li-YunFu,QuanH. Y. Matched multi-trace geometry repeatability for time lapseseismic. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2016, 59: 3056-3067.

34.WeiW, Sun W.J, Li-YunFu.Quantitative Calculation of Acquisition Footprints for 3D Land Seismic Acquisition Geometries. Journal of Seismic Exploration,2015, 24: 83-102.

35.SunW.J.,Zhou B.Z., Li-YunFu.Astaggered-grid convolutional differentiator for elastic wavemodeling. Journal of Computational Physics,2015, 301: 59-76.

36.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Huang F.Q.,Chen X.Z. Coseismic water-level changes in a well induced byteleseismic waves from three large earthquakes. Tectonophysics,2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto. 2015. 02.027.

37.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Huang F.Q.,Chen X.Z. Permeability enhancement in the aquifer of Fuxin well ingeothermal area of northeastern China induced by low-frequency teleseismic waves of the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake. ActaGeodyn. Geomater,2015, 12: 29-38.

38.GuanX.Z., Chen B.S., Li-YunFu.Thestudy of a deghosting method of over/under streamer seismic databased on wave equation. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2015, 58: 3746-3757.

39.WeiW., Li-YunFu.MonteCarlo simulation of stress-associated scattering attenuation fromlaboratory ultrasonic measurements. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2014, 104: 931-943.

40.WeiW., Li-YunFu.Onhorizontal resolution for seismic acquisition geometries in complex3D media. Journal of Applied Geophysics,2014, 108: 43-52.

41.ZhangY.,Li-YunFu,Zhang L.X.,Wei W.,Guan X.Z. Finite difference modeling of ultrasonic propagation(coda waves) in digital porous cores with un-split convolutional PML and rotated staggered grid. Journal of Applied Geophysics,2014, 104: 75-89.

42.YuG.X., Li-YunFu.Convergence analyses of different modeling schemes for generalized Lippmann–Schwinger integral equation in piece wise heterogeneous media. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2014, 63:150-161.

43.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,Kennett B. L.N. Comparison of crustal and upper mantleheterogeneity in different time periods: Indonesian subduction zoneto Northern Australia. Earthquake Science,2014, 27: 47-55.

44.YuG.X., Li-YunFu.Bornseries approximation to volume scattering wave for piecewisehetero geneous media. EarthquakeScience,2014, 27: 159-168.

45.Li-YunFu,Zhang Y.,Pei Z.,Wei W.,ZhangL. Poroelastic finite-difference modeling for ultrasonic waves indigital porous cores. Earthquake Science,2014, 27: 285-299.

46.ZhangB.,Li-YunFu,WeiW.Acousticwave attenuation analysis of the abnormal geo-pressure and seismic extrapolation inversion of the formation pressure.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2014,57:3373-3388.

47.YuG.X., Li-YunFu.Approximate solutions to the boundary–volume integral equation for wave propagation in piecewise heterogeneous media. Pureand Applied Geophysics,2013, 170: 1805-1820.

48.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,Two effective approaches to reduce data storage in reverse timemigration. Computers & Geosciences,2013, 56:69-75.

49.QinN., Li-YunFu.Reliability measurement of joint seismic inversion based on seismic-to-wellcorrelation. Exploration Geophysics,2013, 44: 85-98.

50.Li-YunFu,XiaoY.J.,SunW.J.Seismic imaging studies of complex high and steep structures in Kuqadepression.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2013,56:1985-2001.

51.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,GuanX.Z.Astudy on anisotropy of shale using seismic forward modeling inshale gas exploration.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2013,56:961-970.

52.HeY.F.,SunW.J.,Li-YunFu.Comparisonof boundary element method and finite-difference method forsimulating seismic wave propagation in complex media .Progress in Geophysics, 2013,28:664-678.

53.YuG.X., Li-YunFu.Rytovseries approximation for rough surface scattering. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2012, 102: 42-52.

54.PeiZ.L.,Li-YunFu,Sun W.J.,Jiang T.,Zhou B.Z. Anisotropic finite-difference algorithm for modelingelastic wave propagation in fractured coalbeds. Geophysics,2012, 77:C13-C26.

55.WeiW.,Li-YunFu,Blacquiere G. Fast multifrequency focal beam analysis for 3Dseismic acquisition geometry. Geophysics,2012, 77: P11-P21.

56.SunW.J., Li-YunFu.Compensationfor transmission losses based on one-way propagators in the mixeddomain. Geophysics,2012, 77: S65-S72.

57.SunW.J., Li-YunFu,Zhou B.Z. Common-angle image gathers for shot-profile migration: anefficient and stable strategy. Exploration Geophysics,2012, 43: 1–7.

58.LuoZ.Q.,WeiW.,SunW.J.,GuanX.Z.,Li-YunFu.Acquisitionfootprint analysis of 3D seismic survey.Progress in Geophysics, 2012,27:548-554.

59.YuG.X., Li-YunFu.Iterativeconvergence of boundary-volume integral equation method. Earthquake Science,2011, 24: 391–400.

60.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,Wei W.,Zhou B.Z. Seismic illumination analysis with one-way wave propagators coupled with reflection transmission coefficients in 3D complex media.Earthand Environmental Sciences,2011, 174-194.

61.DongW.,Li-YunFu,XiaoY.J.,GuanX.Z.,WuC.Quantitative analysis of the complexity in seismic exploration of the high andsteep structures in Kuqa depression.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2011,54:1600-1613.

62.GuanX.Z.,Li-YunFu,TaoY.,YuG.X.Boundary-volumeintegral equation numerical modeling for complex near surface.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2011,54:2357-2367.

63.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,HuS.Z.,CuiY.F.3DFourier transform wave-equation-based seismic illumination analysiswith phase encoding. Progressin Geophysics,2011,26:1249-1257.

64.LiX.X.,YuG.X.,Li-YunFu,WenS.L.,GuanX.Z.Analysis of seismic scattering characteristics of complex seabed.China offshore oil and gas,2011,23: 357-362.

65.WuH.Z., Li-YunFu,Ge H. K. Quantitative analysis of basin-scale heterogeneities usingsonic log data in the Yanchang Basin.J. Geophys. Eng,2010, 7: 41–50.

66.YuG.X., Li-YunFu,Guan X.Z. BEM+Born series modeling schemes for wave propagation andtheir convergence analysis. EarthquakeScience,2010, 23: 139–148.

67.YuG.X., Li-YunFu,Yao Z.X. Comparison of different BEM+Born series modeling schemesfor wave propagation in complex geological structures. Geophysics,2010, 75: 71-82.

68.SunW.J.,Zhou B.Z., Li-YunFu.Dipangle-compensated one-way wave equation migration. Exploration Geophysics,2010, 41: 41-54.

69.SunW.J.,Zhou B.Z.,Hatherly P.,Li-YunFu.Seismicwave propagation through surface basalts – implications for coalseismic surveys. Exploration Geophysics,2010, 41: 1–8.

70.Li-YunFu.Quantitative assessment of the complexity of geological structures in terms ofseismic propagators. Sci China Earth Sci,2010,53: 54-63.

71.Li-YunFu.Born-series dispersion equations and Born-Kirchhoff propagators.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2010.53:370-384.

72.ZhangL.X.,Li-YunFu,PeiZ.L.Finite difference modeling of Biot's poroelastic equations with unsplit convolutional PML androtated staggered grid.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2010,53:2470-2483.

73.YuanW.J.,WeiW.,Li-YunFu,WangX.M.Geophysicalresponse characteristics analysis of formation pore pressure: casestudy on overpressure formation in Kalawen Basin of Australia Northwest continental shelf. Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum,2010,49:72-78.

74.LuH.Y.,Li-YunFu,JiangT.Wave-equation datuming based on fast fourier transform. Progressin Geophysics,2010,25:1313-1322

75.TaoY.,Li-YunFu,SunW.J.,SunQ.X.Areview of seismic interferometry.Progressin Geophysics,2010,25:1775-1784.

76.WuH.Z.,Li-YunFu,GeH.K.Descriptionof  Reservoir Heterogeneity Using Spectral Analysis of Multi-wellSonic-log Data.Well Logging Technology,2010,34:297-301.

77.ZhangM.G.,Li-YunFu,Li X.,Li X.F. 2D efficient ray tracing with a modified shortest pathmethod. Exploration Geophysics,2009, 40: 301–307.

78.PeiZ.L.,Li-YunFu,Yu G.X.,Zhang L.X. A wavelet-optimized adaptive grid method forfinite-difference simulation of wave propagation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2009, 99: 302-313.

79.GuoM.Q., Li-YunFu,Jing B. Comparison of stress-associated coda attenuation andintrinsic attenuation from ultrasonic measurements. Geophys.J. Int,2009, 178: 447-456.

80.HuS.Z., Li-YunFu,Yao Z.X. Comparison of various approximation theories for random lyrough surface scattering. Wave Motion,2009, 46: 281-292.

81.WeiW.,Li-YunFu,JiangT.Resolution analysis of seismic acquisition geometries by focalbeams in 3D complicated media.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,52:1310-1317.

82.HuS.Z.,Li-YunFu,PeiZ.L.A boundary element method for the 2-D wave equation influid-saturated porous media.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,52:2364-2369.

83.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,YaoZ.X.One-way propagators coupled with reflection/transmission coefficients for seismogram synthesis in complex media.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,52:2558-2565.

84.LiW.X.,QinN.,WuM.,WangH.,Li-YunFu,YaoZ.X.Lithology of high resolution nonlinear inversion technique in theSouthern Yellow Sea and Liaodong Bay complex subtle lithologic reservoir prediction in the applied research.Petroleum geophysical exploration,2009, 48: 359-367.

85.ZhangY.M., Li X.X., Li-YunFu.Application of instantaneous wavelet absorption analysis technology:case studyon offshore gas detection in China.Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2009,48:368-376.

86.YuG.X.,Li D.P.,Li-YunFu,Jiang T.Numeric simulation of boundary element-volume element wave equation incomplex geologic structure. OGP, 2009,44:107-111.

87.ZhangJ.L.,Li-YunFu,SunQ.X.Seismic attenuation analysis and gas recognition using instantaneous peakenergy frequency of seismic profile.Progressin Geophysics,2009,24:1723-1731.

88.SunW.J., Li-YunFu,Wu R.S.  2.5D SH wave propagation in heterogeneous crustal wave guides using thephase screen method. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2008, 98: 2391-2401.

89.WuM.,Li-YunFu,LiW.X.A high-resolution nonlinear inversion method of reservoirparameters and its application to oil/gas exploration.ChineseJournal of Geophysics,51:546-557.

90.ZhangJ.,Wang W.,Li-YunFu,Yao Z. 3D Fourier finite-difference migration by ADI plusinterpolation. Geophysical Prospecting,2008, 56: 95-103.

91.GuoMeng-qiu., Li-YunFu.Review of methods for studying source zone stress changes from seismicdata.Progressin Geophysics,2008,23:375-383.

92.YuZ.,Lou H.,Wang C.Y.,Li-YunFu,Zhang J.G.,Qin J.P.,Yang R.H.,Li H.G.Shallow velocity structure and concealed fault characteristics in Kunming urban area. Journal of Seismology,2008,3055: 500-507.

93.JiangT.,Li-YunFu,WanX.J Target-orientedlayout designing method based on wave equations.Progressin Geophysics,2008,23:359-367.

94.MaY.Z., Wei W., Sun W.J., Jiang T., Li-YunFu.Highresolution 3-D seismic survey design in Nanyang depression.Geophysical  Prospecting for Petroleum,2008,47:498-504.

95.WuH.Z.,Li-YunFu,LanX.W.Analysis of reservoir heterogeneity based on random media models.Progressin Geophysics,2008,23:793-799.

96.MaY.Z., Yu G.X., Li-YunFu.Seismicprocessing of low-S/N ratio data from complex near surface areas inhuola mountain.Progressin Geophysics,2008,23:1849-1858.

97.Li-YunFu.Born dispersion equation and Born-Kirchhoff Propagation operator.Advancesin Geophysical Research in China-celebrating the 80 Birthday of Academician Liu Guangding,OceanPress,2008, 319-336.

98.Li-YunFu.Quantitative Analysis method of Geological structure complexity inSeismic Wave Exploration.Progressin Geophysics Prospecting-celebrating Professor HeZhenhua's 50th Anniversary of Geophysics, China Petroleum Industry Press,2008, 44-55.

99.WeiW.,Li-YunFu,JiangT. Confocal Resolution Analysis of 3D Seismic observation systemDesign for complex structures. Progress in ExplorationGeophysics-celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Professor HeZhenhua's Geophysical work,China Petroleum Industry Press,2008, 222-232.

100.GuoM.Q., Li-YunFu.Stressassociated coda attenuation from ultrasonic waveform measurements.Geophysical Research Letters,2007, 34: 391-396.

101.WuH.Z., Li-YunFu,Meng X.H. Blind deconvolution of seismic signals of non-whitereflectivity. ExplorationGeophysics,2007, 38: 235–241.

102.Li-YunFu,SunW J.,LiD.P.Degenerate migrators for imaging faultrelated complexstructures.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,50:1241-1250.

103.CuiJ.C.,Wu M., Li W.X., Li-YunFu.Nonlinearhigh-resolution impedance inversion method and its application.Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2007,46:1-12.

104.WuM., Li W.X., Li-YunFu.Seismicinversion based on logging trace frequency-shared analysis. OGP,2007,42:65-71.

105.SunW.J.,Li-YunFu,Wan X.J.Phaseencoding-based seismic illumination analysis. OGP,2007,42:539-543.

106.Li-YunFu.Comparison of different one-way propagators for wave forward propagation inheterogeneous crustal wave guides. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2006, 96: 1091-1113.

107.Li-YunFu.Roughsurface scattering: Comparison of various approximation theoriesfor 2D SH waves. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2005, 95: 646-663.

108.Li-YunFu.Broadbandconstant-coefficient propagators.Geophysical Prospecting,2005, 53: 299-310.

109.GeZ.,Li-YunFu,Wu R.S. P-SV wave-field connection technique for regional wavepropagation simulation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2005, 95: 1375-1386.

110.Li-YunFu.Wavefield interpolation in the Fourier wavefield extrapolation.Geophysics,2004, 69: 257-264.

111.Li-YunFu.Joint inversions of seismic data for acoustic impedance.Geophysics,2004, 69: 994-1004.

112.Li-YunFu,BouchonM. Discrete wavenumber solutions to numerical wave propagation inpiecewise heterogeneous media – I,Theoryof two-dimensional SH case. Geophys.J. Int.,2004, 157: 481- 498.

113.Li-YunFu.Comparative study of various approximation theories for seismic scattering by rugged crustal wave tubes.Studyon the structure and Dynamics of  Deep Earth in the ChineseContinent-Celebration of Academician Teng Jiwen's 50th Anniversaryof Geophysical Research, Science Press,2004,93-125.

114.Li-YunFu.Numerical study of generalized Lipmann-Schwinger integral equation including surface topography. Geophysics,2003, 68: 665-671.

115.Li-YunFu.An information integrated approach for reservoir characterization,in Sandham, WandLeggett, M., Ed, Geophysical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy.Kluwer Academic Publishers,Netherlands,2003, 157-178.

116.Li-YunFu.Seismogram synthesis for piecewise heterogeneous media.Geophys.J. Int,2002, 150: 800-808.

117.Li-YunFu,Wu R.S.,Campillo M. Energy partition and attenuation of regional phases byrandom free surface. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,2002, 92: 1992-2007.

118.Li-YunFu.Joint Lithologic Inversion, in Wong, P, Aminzadeh, F., and Nikravesh, M,Ed, Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling.Springer-Verlag Publishers,2002, 511-530.

119.Urosevic.M.,Li-YunFu,Dodds K. Seismic expression of abnormal geo-pressure in the BarrowSub-Basin. Appea Journal,2002, 53: 1271-1284.

120.Li-YunFu,WuR.S. A hybrid BE-GS method for modeling regional wave propagation.Pureand Applied Geophysics,2001, 158: 1251-1277.

121.WangX.,Li-YunFu,Dodds K.,Zeng Y. Effects of the traction-free surface with a ruggedtopography on seismic wave propagation: numerical modeling. Exploration Geophysics,2001, 32: 064-070.

122.Li-YunFu.Caianiello neural network method for geophysical inverse problems, in Poulton,M., Ed., Computational Neural Networks for Geophysical DataProcessing. Pergamon Publishers,2001, 187-215.

123.Li-YunFu,WuR. S. Infinite boundary element absorbing boundary for wave propagation simulations. Geophysics,2000, 65: 596-602.

124.Li-YunFu,Yang H.Z.,Mu Y.G.Volume equation method for scattering in inhomogeneous medium.Journal of Mechanics,1998,30: 230-236.

125.Li-YunFu,Mu Y.G.,Yang H.J. Forward problem of nonlinear Fredholm integral equationin reference medium via velocity-weighted wavefield function.Geophysics,1997, 62, 650-656.

126.Li-YunFu,Cheng S.,Duan Y.Annlogtechnique for seismic wave impedance inversion and its applicationeffect. OGP,1997,32:34-44.

127.DuanY.,Li-YunFu,Liu D.J.Localregular noise elimination using FKSUB model. OGP,1996,31:874-884.

128.Li-YunFu,MouY.G.Boundary element method forelastic wave forward modeling.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,1994,37:521-529.