SPWLAmember, Member of the Chinese Petroleum Society, Professorshipcommittee member of the School of Geosciences.
Master supervisor
Department of Geophysical Well Logging Department
School of Geosciences
China University of Petroleum
Address: NO.66, Changjiang West Road, Huandao, Qingdao, 266580, China.
Tel.: +860532 86981315-514 Fax.: +86-532-86981878
Email: shaocr@upc.edu.cn
• Well Logging theory, methods and techniques:
Reservoi revaluation based on petrophysics & datamining
Well logging information computer processing and application (such as Dip log and Imaging log processing, Stratigraphic correlation,Sedimentary facies analysis)
Well logging software engineering
2003.09–2008.07,China University of Petroleum (East China), PhD (Geologicalresources and Geological Engineering)
1998.09–2001.12,University of Petroleum (East China), Master (Earth exploration andinformation technology)
1986.09–1990.07,University of Petroleum (East China), Bachelor (Field geophysics)
2009.10 to present, China University of Petroleum (East China), Professor,have been the Director of Well Logging Department of the School of Geoscience from 2009 to 2017.
2000.11 to 2009.10, China University of P etroleum (East China), Associateprofessor, deputy director of the Department of well logging and information engineering from 2004 to 2009.
1990.07 to 2000.11, Well logging division of Exploration Department,Petroleum University (East China),lecturer.
WellLogging Information processing and Application
Welllogging methods and comprehensive interpretation
Diplog and imaging log
Basisof well logging software technology
Database technique
DigitalImage processing
Computerprogram language
Funding and Projects
Participatingin and undertaking more than 10 national, provincial and ministerialprojects such as national 863, national major scientific andtechnological projects, and more than 40 projects entrusted byenterprises. The main projects that undergoing:
1,“Newmethods and technologies for logging characterization of lowpermeability and tight reservoirs" --sub project of thenational major project "Complex oil and gas field geology andefficient drilling and production technology"(2017ZX05009-001), 2017-2020,
2,“Strong heterogeneous shale reservoir quality well loggingevaluation method study for continental facies " -- sub projectof the national major project "terrestrial shale gas loggingevaluation technology" (2017ZX05039-002), 2017-2020.
3."Data processing and interpretation software for LWD gamma rayimaging",ChinaSinopec, 2017-2018.
4,"Research and application of precise well logging evaluationtechnology in Junggar Basin middle area", China Sinopec ,2017-2018.
Representative Publications
Morethan 50 papers have been published in the core periodicals,representative papers:
1.Shao Cairui, Zhang Pengfei, Wang Zhengkai (2017). Numerical simulation onEM-LWD characteristics of formation attitude inthree dimension. In:Progress in Geophysiscs. PP 236-242.
2.Shao Cairui, Zhang Pengfei, Zhang Fuming (2016). Improving well logevaluation accuracy of tight sandstone gas saturation using Jfunction. In: Journal of China University of Petroleum. Edition ofNatrual Science. PP 57-65. (EI)
3.Шао Цайжуй, Цао Сянъцзюнь, Чжан Фумин, A.B.Шумилов. Каротажв процессе бурения и технологияуправляемой проводки наклоннонаправленных и горизонтальных скважин,ГЕОФИЗИКА, 2014.05.01,2014(5):PP68~75
4.Shao CaiRui, Cao Xian Jun, Zhang Fu Ming, A.V. Shumilov (2014). Loggingwhile drilling and geosteering technology. In: Gaphysic. Russia, pp68-75. (RSCI)
5.Shao Cairui, Zhang Fuming, Chen Guoxing, Ji Jiaqi, Hou Qinggong, TangJianhong,CaoXianjun (2013). Study of real-time LWD data visual interpretationand geo-steering technology. In: Petroleum Science. PP 477-485.(SCI)
6.Shao Cai-Rui, Cao Xian-Jun, Chen Guo-Xing, Zhang Fu-Ming, Ji Jia-Qi, TangJian-Hong (2013). A fast forward algorithm for LWD gamma-rayresponse and its geosteering application. In: Chinese Journal ofGeophysics-Chinese Edition. PP 3932-3942. (SCI)
7.Shao Cairui, Song Huiying (2011). Using standard sand set to domulti-well logs normalization withhistogram and trend surfaceanalysis technology. In: Progress in Geophysiscs. PP 1031-1038.
8.Shao Cairui, Tang Haiquan, Zhang Fuming (2010). Current Situation andResearch Trend of the Evaluation Technique for LWD Interpretation.In: Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in DaQing. PP158-163.
9.Tang Haiquan, Shao Cairui, Li Hongqiang (2013). Flicker-free RenderingTechnology of LWD Curves. In: Well Logging Technology. PP 479-482.
10.Shao Cairui, Yin Xingyao. (2009). Shear Wave Velocity Inversion withRoutine Well Logs Based on Rock Physics and Multi-Mineral Analysis.In: Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences. PP699-707. (EI)
11.Shao Cairui, Yin Xingyao, LI Hongqi (2007). An integratedgenetic-neural-Kriging interpolation method for reservoir propertyand its application. In: Journal of China University of Petroleum.Edition of Natrual Science. PP 35-40. (EI)
12.Shao Cairui, Zhang Fuming, Li Hongqi (2005). The Multi-well LogInteractive Interpretation Software System. In: Well LoggingTechnology. PP 558-561.
13.Shao Cairui, Guan Li, Zhang Fuming (2005). The Applicability Comparisonof Several Interpolate Methods for Reconstructing Geological SurfaceBased on Log data. In: Well Logging Technology. PP 311-315.
14.Shao Cairui, Li Hongqi, Zhang Fuming (2004). Research on the Division ofSequence Stratigraphy Automatically Using Well Logs. In: Journal ofStratigraphy. PP 321-325.
15.Shao Cairui, Li Hongqi (2004). Interactive interpretation software systemof multi-well logs based on the region background. In: Journal ofthe University of Petroleum, China. PP 43-46. (EI)
16.Shao Cairui (2004). An Akima Interpolation Method for Borehole DataResampling. In: Well Logging Technology. PP 112-114.
17.Shao Cairui, Li Hongqi, Zhang Fuming (2002). Smoothing method for drawinglog curves with dashed line. In: Journal of the University ofPetroleum, China. PP 26-28. (EI)
18.Shao Cairui (2000). The Principle of artificial intelligence expertsystem for strata correlation. In: Geophysical Prospecting forPetroleum. PP 77-84.
19.Shao Cairui, Li Hongqi (2000). Syntax Pattern Recognition and ItsApplication in Stratigraphic Correlation. In: China Offshore Oil AndGas(Geology). PP 363-366.
20.Shao Cairui (2000) The OOP Techniques for Designing X-Window/Motif UserInterface with C++. In: Computer Engineering. PP 87-89. (EI)
21.Shao Cairui, Li Hongqi, Zhang Fuming (1998). Interactive technology ofartificial intelligence for well log correlation. In: Well LoggingTechnology. Vol. 22(6): PP439-441. (EI)
2015,Excellent Teacher of International Education Honour. ChinaUniversity of Petroleum (East China).
2015,The Fourteenth Talent Education Award named ShengLi, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum (East China). ShengLi Oil Filed.
2009,The Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shandong Province.
2005,2007, 2009,ExcellentTeacher Honours of China University of Petroleum (East China).
1999.10,Second prize for Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award,Shandong province, China.
1998,Third prize for scientific and technological progress Award. ChinaPetrochemical Group Corporation.
1998.12,First prize for scientific and technological progress of ShandongEducation Commission
1998.2,Excellent achievements award in computer Application in ShandongProvince. Shandong province. China.
1997.3,Excellent computer application award. Shandong Province, China.
Conferences Attended
1.April 2017, Cairui Shao, Xingyao Yin, Fuming Zhang, Guochen Wu. A Methodfor estimating shear wave velocity using multi mineral model, 2017CGS/SEG International Geophysical Conference, oral topic,Session44: ROCK–PETROPHYSICS. Qingdao, China.
2.2017.9,Shao Cairui, Tan Baohai, Wei Zhoutuo, Zhang Fuming, Zhang Feng andDeng Shaogui. Promoting the Sino-Russia Exchanges and Cooperationon Well Logging Higher Education and Cultivating Talents for theBelt and Road Construction, X Китайско-Российскийсимпозиум по промысловой геофизике,2017.9 Xian, China.
3.2015.8,SHAOCaiRui ZHANG FuMing HOU QiuYuan ZHENG GuangQuan CHENWeiZhong,Improvethe Tight Sandstone Gas Saturation Well Log Evaluation AccuracyUsing J Function, The Nineteenth Annual Meeting of welllogging,Daqing,China.
4.2013.5.24-2013.5.28,SHAO Cairui,ZHANGFuming,CHENGuoxing,TangHaiquan,CaoXianju. Study of LWD data visual interpretation and geo-steeringtechnology in real time,ICCES'13,Seattle,USA.
5.2013.5.24-2013.5.28.CaiRui Shao,XianJunCao,FumingZhang,GuoXing Chen,JiaQiJi,JianHongTang,Afast forward algorithm for LWD GR log response based on geologicalmodel and its geosteering application,ICCES'13,Seattle,USA.
6.2012.8.6-2012.8.10,Шао Цайжу(#),Чжан Фумин,Ценгу Хцн,Донхай,ВзйДао,ЦцнЩе Цянь,Изучение Технологии Визуальной Интерпретации Каротажных Данных В Процессе БуренияВ Реальном Времени И Технологии Геонавигации,VII Российско-Китайский Научный Симпозиум,Irkutsk,Lake Baikal, Russia.
Havealready tutored more than 40 native graduated students, one foreigngraduated student.
Haveobtained 2 national invention patents and 4 applications forsoftware copyright.
"PetroleumExploration and Development", “Perm Journal of Petroleum andMining” and other periodicals reviewers or editorial committee.
Lastupdate: March 26, 2018