A.P. Dr. LI Wei
Associate Professor in Geology
commissary in charge of organization of Party Brach of School of Geosciences
Master supervisor
Department of Geology
School of Geosciences
China University of Petroleum
Address: NO.66, Changjiang West Road, Huandao, Qingdao, 266580, China.
Tel.:+86 186 6391 5015
Email: liwei780923@163.com
Web: http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/knetsearch.aspx?sfield=au&skey=%E6%9D%8E%E4%BC%9F&code=10084742
Expertise Areas
•Applied Stratigraphy in Oil and Gas Fields
•Structural Geology
•The Control Effect of Structure on Hydrocarbon Accumulation
2004-09 to 2007-06 China University of Petroleum
PhD (Geological resources and geological engineering)
2001-09 to 2004-06 China University of Petroleum
Master (Structural geology)
1997-09 to 2001-06 China University of Petroleum
Bachelor (Oil and gas geology exploration)
2011-01 to present China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China
Associate Professor (Geology)
007-07 to 2010-12 China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China
Lecturer (Geology)
Palaeontology and Historical Geology,
Submarine Tectonics
Funding and Projects
2010-01 to 2012-12 The fund for new teacher ofDoctoral Program of Higher Education of the ministry ofeducation, NO. K0901045A
Title:The selective formation of inversion structures in Mesozoic-Cenozoic in JiyangDepression
Representative Publications
1.Li Wei, Liu Chao, Zhang Jiangtao, et al. Structure Physical modeling experiment of Mauchen sag, Beibu-gulf Basin[J]. Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science),2015,39(3):38-46.(EI, IF=1.198)
2. Li Wei, Chen Xingpeng, Wu Zhiping, et al.Study on the Origin and Evolution of Transpressional Structural Belt and its Control on Oil and Gas Accumulation in the South of Liaozhong Sub-sag, Bohai Sea Area[J].Geological Journal of China Universities, 2016,22(3):502-511.(CSCD, IF=0.660)
3. Li Wei, Ren Jian, Liu Yiming, et al. Development and Formation Mechanism of Cenozoic Tectonics in the East Area of Liaodong Bay Depression[J]. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2015,34(6):000058-64.(CSCD, IF=0.939)
4. Li Wei, Wang Zhibo, Wang Guangzeng, et al. The Fault System and its Fault Sealing Properties of the Dome Structure in Dongying Sag, East China[J].Geological Journal of China Universities, 2014,20(1):93-104.(CSCD, IF=0.660)
5. Zhang Jing, Li wei, Wu Zhiping, et al. Structural Characteristics of Tan-Lu Fault Zone in South Area of Bohai Sea and its Control on Basin Structure[J]. Earth Science, 2017(9):1549-1564.(EI, IF=2.271)
2014-09, First Prize of Qingdao science and technology progress award, China
2013-12, Third Prize of China petroleum and chemical industry association science and technology progressaward, China
Conferences Attended
2017-04, AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2017 (Poster Presentation), Houston, Texas, United States
2016-01 to present National oil and gas project, 2016ZX05006-007-001, The deep strata structure pattern and the prototype basin restoration in bohai bay basin.
2016-01 to present National oil and gas project, 2016ZX05024-002-001, Study on the tectonic differences and
genetic mechanism of Cenozoic basins in China
2011.12 to 2015.06 National oil and gas project, 2011ZX05023-006-005,The tectonic characteristics and fracture control of bohai bay basin
Last update: March 20, 2018