Prof. Dr. WANG Guanmin
Professor in Geology
Master/PhD supervisor
Department of Geology
School of Geosciences
China University of Petroleum(East China)
Address: NO.66, Changjiang West Road, Huangdao, Qingdao, 266580, China.
Tel.: 15153226536 Fax.: +86 352 86981878
Email: wangguanmin@upc.edu.cn
Web: http://geori.upc.edu.cn/2018/0120/c7900a136567/page.htm
Expertise Areas
•Reservoir Geology
2005 Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China
PhD (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Mineral Deposits)
1994 Changchun Geology College, Changchun, China
Master (Sedimentology)
1991 Changchun Geology College, Changchun, China
Bachelor (Geology)
2010-01 to present School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao, China
Professor (Geology)
2004-01 to 2009-12 School of Earth Resources and Information, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao, China
Associate Professor
1996-08 to 2003-12 School of Earth Resources and Information, China University of Petroleum(East China), Dongying, China
1994-07 to 1996-07 Teaching and Research Office of Petrology and Mineral Deposit Geology, Department of Exploration, China University of Petroleum(East China), Dongying, China
Sedimentary Petrology
Course Design of Sedimentology
Principles of Sedimentology
Lithofacies Paleogeography in Petroliferous Area
Modern Sedimentation and Investigation
An Outline of Earth Sciences,
Foundation of Geology
Sequence Stratigraphy
Funding and Projects
2016 to 2020 National Major Science and Technology Project of the 13th Five-year Plan of China, No. 2016ZX05024-003-006
Title: Proximal Sedimentary Features, Comprehensive Evaluation Technology of Reservoir and Prediction of Favorable Exploration Direction in the Bozhong Sag and Surrounding Areas
2016 to 2018 National Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 41572123
Title: The Control Law of Lithological Factors on Fracability of Lacustrine Shale
2015 to 2017 National Nature Science Foundation of Shandong Province, No. ZR2014DM013
Title: The Main Controling Factors of Fracability of Dark Shale in Shandong
2011 to 2014 National Major Science and Technology Project of the 12th Five-year Plan of China(Ⅱ), No. 2011ZX05023-001-013
Title: The Formation Mechanism and Favorable Exploration Direction of Bozhong Sag
2009 to 2010 National Major Science and Technology Project of the 11th Five-year Plan of China(I), No. 2008ZX05023- 01-004- 002
Title: The Formation Mechanism and Favorable Exploration Direction of Bozhong Sag
Representative Publications
1. Guanmin Wang (2009) Investigation of Modern Deposition in Shandong. In: Guanmin Wang (ed) China University of Petroleum Press, Dongying.
2. Gm. Wang, Zh. Xiong, J. Zhang & B. Zhang. Dissolution experiment and transformation condition analysis of Paleogene aragonite in the Jiyang Depression, China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2017,64(3): 343-352.(SCI, IF= 1.198)
3. Zhouhai Xiong, Yingchang Cao, Guanmin Wang, Zhen Yang, Xiaoming Shi, Jian Zhang, Jie Zhang, Bao Zhang, Jiawei Li. Controling effect of lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks composition on fracability. Journal of China of Mining & Technology,2018,47(3):585-596.(EI, IF=1.339)
4. Bao Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Jian Zhang, Jie Zhang. The distribution and filling characteristic of sub-sag of Palaeogene in Bozhong sag and its exploration direction. Science Technonogy and Engineering,2017,17(30):41-50.(IF=0.263)
5. Bao Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Yao Fu, Jiawei Li, Zhouhai Xiong. Paleogene valley system and its control on proximal clastic deposits in the southern sub-sag of Miaoxi sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Marine Geology Frontiers, 2017,33(12):37-45.(IF=0.428)
6. Jie Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Xuefang Zhang. Coupling relationship between Paleogene tectonic activities and sedimentation for S-North fault belt in qinnan sag. Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Development in Daqing, 2017,36(5):34-40.(IF=0.956)
7. Guan-min Wang, Qun Wang and Xiao-Chang Cai,An Indication of the Zircon U-Pb Ages of Pre-Cenozoic Magmatism in the Bohai Sea Area. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering,2016,9(3):1259-1267.(EI)
8. Guanmin Wang, Zhouhai Xiong, Jie Zhang, et al.The Correspondence between the aragonite content of Palaeogene shale and the thermal evalution of source rocks in Jiyang depression. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2017,38(8):855-862.(EI, IF=2.913)
9. Guanmin Wang, Zhouhai Xiong, Jie Zhang, Yonghua Guo, et al. Characterization of fault system and its control on reservoirs in the Bozhong sag, Bohai Bay basin. Oil&Gas Geology, 2017,38(1):62-70.(EI, IF=2.732)
10. Guanmin Wang, Haicheng Liu, Zhouhai Xiong, Jingyin Wang. Control condition of felsic on brittleness of lacustrine shales. Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science), 2016,40(3): 1-8.(EI, IF=0.763)
11. Guanmin Wang, Zhouhai Xiong, Jie Zhang. The impact of lithology differences to shale fracturing. Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition) ,2016,46(3):1080-1089.(EI, IF=1.124)
12. Guanmin Wang, Qun Wang and Chunyang Wang, Yao Fu. Discussion on genesis difference of lake beach and bar. Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 2016,46(1):1-10.(EI, IF=1.124)
13. Guanmin Wang, Zhouhai Xiong, Jian Zhang, Donghong Zhou, Guosong Lin. Genetics types of the fracture and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation in Bozhong sag. Journal of Geomechanics, 2016,22(2):346-356. (IF=0.427)
14. Guanmin Wang, Yao Fu, Jian Zhang, Guosong Lin, Yonghua Guo, Xiaojun Pang. Mobility of Paleogene basin-controlling faults in the Bozhong sag and depositional responses. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2016,36(4):85-92.(IF=0.558)
15. Guanmin Wang, Mingpeng Li, Xingyao Yin, Jian Zhang, Guangzhi Zhang, Yuan Li. Delta subfacies division based on variation in high frequency seismic sequence thickness: an example from the Block BZ1/2. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2015, 50(6):1173-1178.( EI, IF=1.128)
16. Guanmin Wang, Mingpeng Li . Reservoir architecture characteristics of braided river delta front in the second member of Shahejie formation, Yong 8 fault block, Shengli Oilfield. Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment, 2015, 37(6):10-21.(IF=1.118)
17. Guanmin Wang. Laminae combination and genetic classification of Eogene shale in Jiyang depression. Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition), 2012,42(3):666-671.(EI, IF=1.124)
18. Guanmin Wang, Zhiping Wu, Qinghua Chen. Brief discussion about formation cause of underwater discontinuity surface in lacustrine high-frequency cycle: Breakthrough of revealing the short-term subsidence of lake basin. Earth Science Frontiers , 2012, 19(1): 51-57.(EI, IF=2.535)
19. Guanmin Wang, Xiaojun Pang, Xuefang Zhang, Zhanbo Liu, Bo’ao Liu. Activity of Shinan fault and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Paleogene in Bozhong depression. Oil&Gas Geology, 2012, 33(6):859-866.(EI, IF=2.732)
20. Guanmin Wang, Qianyu Liao, Liang Gao. Sedimentary characteristics of mixed snail-shell beach of Es1 formation in the west of Gubei sag. Journal of Oil and Gas Technology, 2009, 31(4):28-30.
21. Guanmin Wang, Liang Gao, Xumei Lin, Zhikun Wang. High frequency cycles and it’s control action to lacustrine shoal-bar in the 4th member of Shahejie formation in southern slope of Dongying depression. Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment, 2008,30(1):44-48.(IF=1.118)
22. Guanmin Wang, Liang Gao, Zaiping Ma. Identification of aeolian silty sand in lacustrine shale of the Shahejie formation in the Jiyang depression and its indication to paleoclimate. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(3):413-418.( EI, IF=3.339)
23. Guanmin Wang, Jianhua Zhong, Shujun Song. The division to microfacies in middle-fan of subaqueous fan in continental basin: a case study from Liangjialou subaqueous fan in Shinan area of the Dongying sag. Coal Geology & Exploration, 2005,33(3):8-12. (IF=0.925)
24. Guanmin Wang, Yongjun Ren, Jianhua Zhong. Genetic analysis on lamellar calcite veins in Paleogene black shale of the Jiyang depression. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2005,79(6):834-838.( EI, IF=3.339)
25. Guanmin Wang, Jianhua Zhong. A review and the prospects of the researches on sedimentary mechanism of lacustrine laminae. Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica,2004,23(1):43-48.(IF=1.005)
26. Guanmin Wang, Jianhua Zhong, Jianping Wang, Qinghua Chen. Depositional features of high-frequency cycles in the Buoba formation,lower cretaceous in Gerze-baingoin area, Xizang. Chinese Journal of Geology, 2004,39(3):346-355.(IF=0.994)
27. Guanmin Wang, Jianhua Zhong. Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the west segment of the Bangong Co-Nujiang structual belt in the Triassic and Jurassic. Geological Review, 2002,48(3):297-303. (IF=2.198)
28. Guanmin Wang. Early diagenesis of the carbonate rock of 1st member of Shahejie formation in Shanghe area, Huimin sag. Journal of Xi’an Petroleum Institute (Edition of Natural Science), 2002,17(2):14-17. (EI, IF=0.763)
29. Guanmin Wang, Hongyou Lu, Zaixing Jiang. Sedimentary characters of carbonate rock of Shahejie formation in Shanghe area of Humin sag. Journal of the University of Petroleum, China (Edition of Natural Science) ,2002,26(4):1-4. (EI, IF=0.763)
30. Guanmin Wang. Depositional features and petroleum geological conditions of Langshan Formation in Coqen Basin,Tibet. Acta Petrolei Sinica,2002,26(4):1-4.
31. Bao Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Jian Zhang, Jie Zhang. The distribution and filling characteristic of sub-sag of Palaeogene in Bozhong sag and its exploration direction. Science Technonogy and Engineering,2017,17(30):41-50.(IF=0.263)
32. Bao Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Yao Fu, Jiawei Li, Zhouhai Xiong. Paleogene valley system and its control on proximal clastic deposits in the southern sub-sag of Miaoxi sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Marine Geology Frontiers, 2017,33(12):37-45.(IF=0.428)
33. Jie Zhang, Guanmin Wang, Xuefang Zhang. Coupling relationship between Paleogene tectonic activities and sedimentation for S-North fault belt in qinnan sag. Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Development in Daqing, 2017,36(5):34-40.(IF=0.956)
34. Zhouhai Xiong, Yingchang Cao, Guanmin Wang, Zhen Yang, Xiaoming Shi, Jian Zhang, Jie Zhang, Bao Zhang, Jiawei Li. Controling effect of lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks composition on fracability. Journal of China of Mining & Technology, 2018,47(3):585-596. (EI, IF=1.339)
The Prize of Teaching
2014 ‘Taking professional course construction as the core, building a high-specialty quality teaching platform for resource exploration engineering’, the second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award, the ministry of education, No.7.
The Prize of Study
2012 The hydrocarbon generation, petroleum accumulation and its applications of lacustrine facies in Jiyang sag, the first prize for Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education.
2011 Tertiary tectonic evolution and reservoir-formation in the western Qaidam basin, the first prize for Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education
Honorary Title
2015 ‘Excellent Expert on Reviewers’ Award,Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science), China
2014 ‘Excellent Instructor in College Students’ Extracurricular Technological Activities’ Award,China University of Petroleum(East China), China
2013 ‘Ten Models Teacher’s Ethics’ Award, China University of Petroleum(East China), China
2011 ‘The Best Teather in My Mind’ Award, China University of Petroleum(East China), China
Instructing postgraduate and postdoctoral students
I have began to cultivated graduate students since 2007. So far, 29 full-time postgraduates have been enrolled, and 20 have been graduated. 15 of them have received master's degree in geology, and 5 have received master's degree in geological engineering.
Academic Part-time Job
member of the Tenth Editorial Committee of Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
Last update: March 29, 2018