Name: Keyu Liu
Academic Title: Professor, PhD supervisor

Research Area
•Reservoir Sedimentology and Characterisation
•Stratigraphic Modelling
•Petroleum System Analysis
School of Geosciences
China University of Petroleum
Address: No. 66, Changjiang West Road, Huandao District, Qingdao, Shandong 266580, China.
Tel.: +86 532 8698 0921 Fax.: +86 352 98698 1878
1989-04 to 1993-03: The Australian National University
PhD (Geology: Sedimentology and Tectonics)
1986-06 to 1989-05: Sydney University
Master (Marine Geology)
1980-09 to 1984-07: Ocean University of China
Bachelor (Marine Geology)
2016-01 to present: China University pf Petroleum (UPC)
2010-06 to 2015-12: Research Institute of Petroleum exploration and Development, PetroChina (Part-time)
Research professor and Divisional Chief Geologist
1998-04 to 2014-12: CSIRO Division of Earth Science and Resource Engineering;
Research Scientist (1998-2000), Senior Research Scientist (2001-2004) and Principal Research Scientist (2005-2015), Fluid History Analysis Research Team Leader (2007-2012), Chinese Project Liaison manager (2007-15)
1997-04 to 1998-03: James Cook University, Australia;
Research fellow and project science manager
1996-04 to 1997-03: National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Adelaide University
Postdoctoral fellow
1993-04 to 1996-03: CSIRO Petroleum
Postdoctoral fellow
Courses Offered
Basin and petroleum system modelling,
Quantitative stratigraphy
Application of fluorescence spectroscopy in Petroleum Exploration and Development
Scholarly Activities
[1].Luo, X., Jin, Z. Liu, K. and Zhang, S., 2017. Geofluids in Deep Sedimentary Basins and Their Significance for Petroleum Accumulation. Geofluids, 2017 (2): 1-4.
[2].Pimienta, L., Esteban, L., Sarout, J., Liu, K., et al., 2017. Supercritical CO2 injection and residence time in fluid-saturated rocks: Evidence for calcite dissolution and effects on rock integrity. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017, 67, DOI10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.09.014
[3].Yu, Z., Liu, K.*, Liu, L., Yang, S.Y. and Yang Y.Z., 2017. An experimental study of CO2–oil–brine–rock interaction under in situ reservoir conditions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2526-2542, 10.1002/2017GC006858
[4].Yang, L., Xu, T., Liu, K.*, Peng, B., Yu, Z. and Xu, X., 2017. Fluid-rock interaction during continuous diagenesis and its effect on reservoir petrophysical properties. Sedimentology, V. 64:5, p. 1303–1321, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12354
[5].Guo, X., Liu, K.*, Jia, C., Song, Y., Zhao, M., Zhuo, Q. and Lu, X., 2016. Effects of tectonic compression on petroleum accumulation in the Kelasu Thrust Belt of the Kuqa Sub-basin, Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 101: 22–37.
[6.]Zhang, J., Clennell, M.B., Liu, K., Dewhurst, D.N., Pervukhina, M. and Sherwwod, N., 2016. Molecular dynamics study of CO2 sorption and transport properties in coal. Fuel, 177:53-62.
[7].Yu, Z., Liu, K.*, Liu, L., Qu, X., Yu, M., Zhao, S. and Ming, X., 2016. Characterization of Paleogene hydrothermal events and their effects on reservoir properties in the Qikou Sag, eastern China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 1226-1241.
[8.]Guo, X., Liu, K., Jia, C., Song, Y., Zhao, M., Lu, X., 2016. Hydrocarbon accumulation processes in the Dabei tight-gas reservoirs, Kuqa Subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 100(10): 1501-1521.
[9].Guo, X., Liu, K.*, Jia, C., Song, Y., Zhao, M., Lu, X., 2016. Fluid evolution in the Dabei Gas Field of the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for fault-related fluid flow. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 78 (2016) 1-16.
[10].Liu, J., Liu, K.*, and Huang, X., 2016, Effect of sedimentary heterogeneities on hydrocarbon accumulations in the Permian Shanxi Formation, Ordos Basin, China: Insight from an integrated stratigraphic forward and petroleum system modelling: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 76, p. 412–431.
[11].Zhang, Y., Liu, K.* and Luo, X., 2016. Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illites in Determining Hydrocarbon Charge Timing: A Case Study from the Silurian Bituminous Sandstone Reservoirs, Tarim Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 90(2):684–703.
[12].Liu, J., Jiang, Z., Liu, K.*, Gui, L. and Xing, J., 2016. Hydrocarbon sources and charge history in the Southern Slope Region, Kuqa Foreland Basin, northwestern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 74:26-46.
[13].Guo, X., Liu, K.*, Jia, C., Song, Y., Zhao, M., Lu, X., 2016. Constraining Tectonic Compression Processes by Reservoir Pressure Evolution: Overpressure Generation and Evolution in the Kelasu Thrust Belt of Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 72:30-44.
[14].Guo, X., Liu, K., Jia, C., Song, Y., Zhao, M., Lu, X., 2016. Effects of Early Petroleum Charge and Overpressure on Reservoir Porosity Preservation in the Giant Kela-2 Gas Field, Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China. AAPG Bulletin, 100(2): 191-212.
[15].Guo, X., Liu, K., He, S., Yang, Z. and Dong, T, 2016. Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by gas generation and application to the Baiyun Depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Geofluids (doi:10.1111/gfl.12140), V. 16 (1), 129–148.
[16].Zhang, J., Liu, K., Clennell, B., Dewhurst, D.N. and Pervukhina, M., 2015. Molecular simulation of CO2–CH4 competitive adsorption and induced coal swelling. Fuel, 160, 309-317. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2015.07.092.
[17].Zhu, G., Wang, T., Xie, Z. and Liu, K., 2015. Giant gas discovery in the Precambrian deeply buried reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for gas exploration in old cratonic basins. Precambrian Research.
[18].Ma, Y., Zhong, N., Li, D., Pan, Z., Cheng, L. and Liu, K., 2015. Organic matter/clay mineral intergranular pores in the Lower Cambrian Lujiaping Shale in the north-eastern part of the upper Yangtze area. International Journal of Coal Geology, 137, 38-54.
[19].Zhu, H., Yang, X. Liu, K. and Zhou, X., 2014. Seismic-based sediment provenance analysis in continental lacustrine rift-basins: an example from the Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, vol. 98(10): 1995-2018. DOI:10.1306/05081412159
[20].Bourdet, J., Burruss, R.C., Chou, I.-M., Kempton, R., Liu, K., Hung, N.V., 2014. Evidence for a palaeo-oil column and alteration of residual oil in a gas-condensate field: integrated oil inclusion and experimental results. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142: 362-385. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.022.
[21].Liu, K., George, S.C., Lu, X., Gong, S., Tian, H., Gui, L., 2014. Innovative fluorescence spectrophotometric techniques for rapidly characterising oil inclusions. Organic Geochemistry, 72: 34–45.
[22].Iglauer, S., Salamah, A., Sarmadivaleh, M., Liu, K., Phan, C., 2014. Contamination of silica surfaces: impact on water-CO2-quartz and glass contact angle measurements. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 22: 325-328.
[23].Huang, X., Liu, K.*, Zou, C.N., Yuan, X., Gui, L., 2014. Forward stratigraphic modelling of the shallow-water delta system in the Poyang Lake, southern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 144 (A): 74-83.
[24].Zhu, H., Zeng, H. and Liu, K., 2013. A quantitative simulation study of asymmetrical tectonic subsidence control on non-synchronous sequence stacking patterns of Eocene lacustrine sediments in Bohai Bay Basin, China. Sedimentary Geology, 294: 328-341.
[25].Yang, Y. S., Liu, K., Mayo, S., Tulloh, A., Clennell, B., and Xiao, T., 2013. A data-constrained modelling approach to sandstone microstructure characterisation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 105: 76-83. 10.1016/j.petrol.2013.03.016
[26].Zhu, H., Liu, K., Yang, X. and Liu, Q., 2013. Sedimentary controls on the sequence stratigraphic architecture in intra-cratonic basins: An example from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation, Ordos Basin, northern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 45: 42-54. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.04.017
[27].Zhu, G., Zhang, S.C., Liu, K., Yang, H., Zhang, B., Su, J., Zhang, Y., 2013. A well-preserved 250 million-year-old oil accumulation in the Tarim Basin, western China: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration in old and deep basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 43: 478-488. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.12.001
[28].Liu, K., Bourdet, J., Zhang, B., Zhang, N., Lu, X., Liu, S., Pang, H., Li, Z, Guo, X., 2013. Hydrocarbon charge history of the Tazhong Ordovician reservoirs, Tarim Basin as revealed from an integrated fluid inclusion study. Petroleum Exploration and Development, vol. 40(2): 183-193.
[29].Guo X., Liu, K., He, S., Song, G., Wang, Y., Hao, X., Wang, B., 2012. Petroleum Generation and Charge History of the Northern Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Insight from integrated fluid inclusion analysis and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 32: 21-35. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.12.007
[30].Zou, C., Zhu, R., Liu, K., Su, L., Bai, B., Zhang, X., Yuan, X. and Wang, J., 2012. Tight gas sandstone reservoirs in China: Characteristics and recognition criteria. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 88-89: 82-91. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2012.02.001
[31].Pang, X., Liu, K., Ma, Z., Jiang, Z., Xiang, C., Huo, Z., Pang, H. and Chen, J., 2012. Dynamic field division of hydrocarbon migration, accumulation and hydrocarbon enrichment rules in sedimentary basins. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 86(6): 1559–1592. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.12023
[32].Guo X., He, S., Liu, K., Zheng, L., 2011. Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by oil generation in petroliferous basins. Organic Geochemistry, 42: 1343–1350. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.08.017
[33].Guo X., He, S., Liu, K., Song, G., Wang, X. and Shi, W., 2010. Oil generation as the dominant overpressure mechanism in the Cenozoic Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 94(12): 1859-1881. DOI:10.1306/05191009179
[34].Liu J., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Hines, C., Liu, K., Gaede, O. and Squelch, A., 2009. Improved estimates of percolation and anisotropic permeability from 3D X-ray micro-tomography using stochastic analyses and visualization. Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, 10, Q04010.
[35].Borysenko, A., B. Clennell, Sedev, R., Burgar, I. Burgar, Ralston, J., Raven, M., Dewhurst, D. and Liu, K., 2009. Experimental Investigations of the Wettability of Clays and Shales. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114: B07202. DOI: 10.1029/2008JB005928
[36].Pang, X.Q., Chen, D.X., Zhang, S.W., Hao, F., Liu, Z., Liu, K., Song, G.Q., Wang, Y.S., Luo, X.R. and Wu X.C., 2008. Hydrocarbon accumulation in network and its application in a continental rift basin. Science in China (Series D), 51: 88-100. doi:10.1007/s11430-008-6026-5
[37].Gong S., Volk, H., George, S.C., Liu, K. and Peng, P., 2007. Petroleum charge history in Lunnan Low Uplift, Tarim Basin, China: Evidence from oil-bearing fluid inclusions. Organic Geochemistry, 38(8): 1341-1355. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2007.02.014
[38].Liu, K., Middleton, H., Eadington, P., Cable, T. and Fenton, S., 2007. Application of Quantitative Grain Fluorescence techniques in investigating hydrocarbon charge history in some major petroleum producing basins in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 57: 139-151. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2005.11.019
[39].Li, S., Pang, X., Liu, K. and Jin, Z., 2006. Characteristics and application of total scanning fluorescence for oils and reservoir rock extracts from the Dongying Depression. Acta Geologica Sinica, 80 (3): 439-445.
[40].Liu, K., Pang, X., Jiang, Z. and Eadington, P., 2006. Quantitative estimate of residual or palaeo oil column height. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89: 239-242. doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.11.053
[41].Liu, K. and Eadington, P., 2005. Quantitative fluorescence techniques for detecting residual oils and reconstructing hydrocarbon charge history. Organic Geochemistry, 36(6): 1023-1036. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2005.02.008
[42].George, S., Ahmed, M., Liu, K. and Volk, H., 2004. The analysis of oil trapped in the process of secondary migration, Organic Geochemistry, 35: 1489-1511. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2004.07.007
[43].Liu, K., Eadington, P.J. and Coghlan, D, 2003. Fluorescence evidence of polar hydrocarbon interaction on mineral surfaces and implications to alteration of reservoir wettability. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 39: 275-285. doi:10.1016/S0920-4105(03)00068-8
[44].Liu, K. and Eadington, P.J., 2003. A new method for identifying secondary oil migration pathways. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78-79: 389-394. doi: 10.1016/S0375-6742(03)00078-5
[45].Liu, K., Paterson, L., Wong, P.M. and Qi, D. 2002 A sedimentological approach to reservoir upscaling. Transport in Porous Media, 46: 285-310.
[46].Naish, T. and Liu, K., 2000. Review of "Computerized Modelling of Sedimentary System" by Harff et al. (1999). Sedimentary Geology, 130: 145-147.
[47].Liu, K., Liang, T. C. K., Paterson, L. and Kendall, C. St. G. C., 1998. Computer simulation of basin physiography on condensed section deposition and maximum flooding. Sedimentary Geology, 122: 181-191.
[48].Liu, K., Boult, P. J., Painter, S. and Paterson, L., 1996. Outcrop analog for sandy braided stream reservoirs, permeability patterns of the Triassic Hawkesbury Sandstone, Sydney Basin, Australia. AAPG Bulletin, 80(12): 1850-1866.
[49].Liu, K., Crook, K. A. W., Hughes-Clarke, J. and Whitemore, G. P., 1995. Submarine features of modern open-sea, deep water fan deltas, Huon Peninsula, PNG, Sedimentary Geology, 98: 63-77.
[50].Brierley, G., Liu, K. and Crook, K. A. W., 1993. Sedimentology of coarse-grained alluvial fans in the Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea. Sedimentary Geology, 86: 297-324.
[1].Liu, K. and Huang, X., 2017. Reservoir Numerical Modelling Techniques and Applications (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing, China, 179 pp., ISBN 978-7-03-049990-5
[2].Zhang, Y., Liu, K. and Luo, X., 2016. Geochronology of Authigenic Illite —Principles, Methods and Application (in Chinese). Science Press, Beijing, China, 360 pp., ISBN 978-7-03-047757-6
[3].Zhu, H., Liu, K., Liu, Q. and Liu, Z., 2012. Quantitative modeling of the configuration of retroaggradation sequences in intra-cratonic basins (in Chinese). China University of Geosciences Press, Wuhan, China, 135 pp.
Book Chapter
[1].Liu, K. and Wei, X., 2017. Experiences and economics of microbially enhanced oil recovery: In S.Y. Lee (ed.), Consequences of Microbial Interactions with Hydrocarbons, Oils and Lipids: Production of Fuels and Chemicals, Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31421-1_203-1, Springer International Publishing AG 2017.
[2].Liu, K., Zhang, S.C., Liu, S. and Tian, H., 2015. Molecular simulation of gas adsorption in minerals and coal: Implications for gas occurrence in shale gas reservoirs. In Reza Rezaee (Ed.) Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 325-339.
[3].Liu, K., Sherwood, N. and Zhao, M., 2014. Advance in Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Petroleum Science. In Kliti Grice (Ed.) Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences, Royal Society of Chemistry, 412 pp., ISBN: 978-1-84973-649-7, DOI:10.1039/9781782625025-00094
[4].Volk H. and Liu K., 2010. Experiences and economics of microbially enhanced oil recovery: in Timmis, KN. Ed. Handbook of Hydrocarbon Microbiology. pp. 2739-2751. Springer, Heidelberg.
[5].Griffiths, C.M., Dyt, C., Paraschivoiu, E. and Liu, K., 2001. Sedsim in hydrocarbon exploration. In Merriam, D., Davis, J.C. (Eds), Geologic modelling and simulation: sedimentary systems. John Harbaugh Tribute Volume, IAMG, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, pp. 71-97.
[6].Liu, K., Pigram, C. J., Paterson, L. and Kendall, C. St. G. C., 1998. Computer simulation of a Cainozoic carbonate platform, the Marion Plateau, northeast Australia. In Camoin, G.F. and Davies, P.J. (Eds) Reefs and Carbonate Platforms in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication No. 25, pp. 145-162.
-Conferences Attended
[1].Liu, K., Liu, C., Cao, Y., Xi, K., Wang, X., Zhu, R. Chemo-sedimentary facies analysis: An innovative approach for characterizing fine-grained sedimentary rocks. International Meeting of Sedimentology Oct. 10-12, 2017, Toulouse, France.
[2].Liu, K., Liu, C., Yang, S. Wang, X., Xi, K., Cao, Y. and Zhu, R. Chemo-sedimentary facies and wetting pore analyses: Innovative methods for unconventional reservoir characterization. 7th International Symposium on Hydrocarbon accumulation and resource assessment. Oct.22-23, 2017, Beijing, China.
[3].Liu, Chang, Liu, K.*, Wang, X., Zhu, R. and Wu, L. Depositional environments of the Permian Lucaogou Formation, Junggar Basin, NW China and implications for tight oil exploration. Goldschmidt Conference, August 13-18, 2017, Paris, France.
[4].Zhang, J., Liu, K. Application of molecular simulation in unconventional gas research. International Symposium on Nanogeoscience, Nov. 5-6, 2016, Qingdao, China.
[5].Liu, K., Wang, X., Wu, S., Yang, S. Characterisation of tight oil storing space: An example from the Lucaogou Formation, Junggar Basin, west China. The 4th Symposium on Unconventional Oil and Gas Geological Evaluation, Oct. 22-23, 2016, Beijing, China.
[6].Liu, K., Fu, X., Gui, L., Jia, R. Cautions in interpreting petroleum charge events using oil inclusion colours. The 8th International Geofluids Conference (Geofluids VIII), June 22-25, 2016, Wuhan, China.
[7].Liu, K., Wang, X., Yang, S. A genetic approach for upscaling reservoir properties. CSIRO Computational Simulation Sciences and e-Research Conference. March 1-4, 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
[8].Liu, K., Zou, C.N., Huang, X., Wu, S. Multi-scale characterisation of tight (oil) sandstone storage spaces, an example from the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop on Bakken/ Three Folk/Plus Emerging Plays, Nov. 17-19, 2014, Golden, CO, USA.
[9].Liu, K., Yu. Z. Effects of high temperature and high pressure supercritical fluids on hydrocarbon accumulation in deep reservoirs. Research Symposium on deep and ultra-deep hydrocarbon reservoirs, Sept. 12-13, 2014, Beijing.
[10].Liu, K., Huang, X., Yang, S. From Digital cores to digital basin: Some challenges and solutions. International Workshop in Digital Core Analysis Technology, June 5-7, 2014, Qingdao, China
[11].Liu, K. In situ characterization of gas-water interaction in sandstone reservoir using coupled X-ray CT imaging and core flooding techniques. International Workshop on Gas Enrichment Mechanism and Experimental Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs, Sept. 23-25, 2014, RIPED, PetroChina.
[12].Liu, K., Zhao, M., Li, Y., Liu, S., Fang, S., Guo, X., Zhuo, Q., Lu, X., Fan, J. Key factors affecting hydrocarbon accumulations in the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, west China. World Petroleum Congress, Oct. 19-20, Beijing, China.
[13].Liu, K., Bourdet, J., Guo, X. Pitfalls in using fluid inclusion Th and basin modelling to determine hydrocarbon charge timing. International Workshop on Basin evolution and hydrocarbon charge geochronology, Sept. 20-21, 3013, Beijing.
[14].Liu, K. Hydrocarbon charge history of the Gippsland Basin, Australia. 6th International Symposium on hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and petroleum resources evaluation. Sept. 26-28, 2013, Beijing.
-Research Project:
[1].2017-01 to 2021-12: The Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA14010401”, Title: Basin evaluation methods for deep oil and gas exploration
[2].2014-01 to 2018-12: National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), Grant No. 014CB239004; Title:Fine-scale characterisation of the storage space in terrestrial tight reservoirs
2017: Recipient of Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Innovation leading talents
2013: Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Chinese Petroleum and Petrochemical Association (Major contributor, 3/10) for deciphering the fluid evolution, charge history and formation mechanisms of giant gas fields in the Kuche deep strata
2009:Recipient of State “Thousand Talent Plan” Fellowship
2005: CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement (Seminal contributor, 3/19) for the development of an innovative suite of techniques that reveal the step-wise fill history of petroleum reservoirs in previously unseen detail
2003: CSIRO Petroleum Innovation Award (Team leader) for developing the Quantitative Grain Fluorescence (QGF) technique
Committee member of Afro-Asian Association of Petroleum Geochemistry (AAAPG);
Associate Editor of Australian Journal of Earth Sciences; Petroleum Research
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Acta Geologica Sinica, Petroleum Science, Petroleum Exploration and Development, Acta Petrolei Sinica
Adjunct Research Fellow at Curtin University and CSIRO, Australia