Fractal Fract | 基于希尔伯特变换的非均匀衰减介质稳态正演模拟方法

By  李勇    2024-10-15    Visited 10 times


In the field of geological exploration and wave propagation theory, particularly in heterogeneous attenuating media, the stability of numerical simulations is a significant challenge for implementing effective attenuation compensation strategies. Consequently, the development and optimization of algorithms and techniques that can mitigate these numerical instabilities are critical for ensuring the accuracy and practicality of attenuation compensation methods. This is essential to reveal subsurface structure information accurately and enhance the reliability of geological interpretation. We present a method for stable forward modeling in strongly attenuating media by reapplying the Hilbert transform to eliminate increasing negative frequency components. We derived and validated new constant-Q wave equation (CWE) formulations and a stable solving method. Our study reveals that the original CWE equations, when utilizing the analytic signal, regenerate and amplify negative frequencies, leading to instability. Implementing our method maintains high accuracy between analytical and numerical solutions. The application of our approach to the Chimney Model, compared with results from the acoustic wave equation, confirms the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed equations and method.

Paper Information:

Songmei Deng, Shaolin Shi, Hongwei Liu. A Stable Forward Modeling Approach in Heterogeneous Attenuating Media Using Reapplied Hilbert Transform. Fractal Fract, 2024, 8, 434.